We find it important, at Buds and Blossoms, to teach children about science and culture through a variety of hands-on activities, books, music, and more. Each child has the opportunity to learn about the continents, weather, space & planets, natural elements (wind, water, fire, air), wildlife, and more.
Geography gives the child an understanding of the world, and the places and cultures that children are not typically exposed to. Sharing maps of the world allow the child to conceptually visualize the earth, bodies of water, continents, and countries. Geography is very abstract, so to have a model available to physically hold and trace makes learning about the world more concrete and fun.
Biology in the Montessori classroom includes activities that allow a child to experiment and observe what plants and animals. The child can learn what plants and animals need, how they change/grow, and how they are categorized. Buds and Blossoms allows the child to be very hands on, and encourages the child to be outdoors to explore and make scientific observations.
- World map puzzles
- Solar system activities
- Nature puzzles and walks
- Cultural books and songs