Our curriculum encompasses the core values of a prepared Montessori environment.
About Montessori Education
Montessori education is a scientific method of teaching, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907, to educate children through direct control of their environment. It uses materials to stimulate a child’s senses, which makes the learning experience more memorable. The Montessori education method is a progression of learning beginning with activities in practical life and the sensorial, activities that internalize independence, coordination, concentration and order (ICCO). which in turn help child to transition to more abstract learning in Culture, Math and Language.
The Montessori curriculum includes materials in Practical Life to enhance motor skills through daily functions; Sensorial to allow children to explore their senses and gain pre-math skills; Cultural, which includes learning about plants, animals, human anatomy, the Earth, outer space, and other cultures; Math, which helps children understand mathematical functions in concrete form; and Language which teaches vocabulary, writing, and reading.
The Montessori education method supports and encourages multi-age grouping. Older children work with younger children; giving the older children leadership skills, and encouraging the younger children to accomplish more challenging activities. Multi-age grouping also promotes respect between older children and younger children, and reinforces knowledge of the Montessori materials.
SOURCE: Montessori Outlet Catalog